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Profitability Beyond the Plate: Understanding Life-cycle and Energy Costs

Lifecycle Energy Costs PhotoWhen looking at purchasing a new oven for your pizzeria there are many factors to consider. What size oven will fit in my location? Is the size of my oven enough for my operation? What it my budget? Should I purchase Gas or Electric?

But do you know the Lifetime Costs and Energy Bills associated with your new oven? These tools and tips can help you with determining which equipment investment is the best fit for your needs.

Look for Rebates and Energy Efficient Recognized Symbols

Many manufacturer’s or salesmen may tell you that their products are energy efficient or will save you money on your utility bills. Don’t just take their word for it, request documentation and look for third party testing and symbols!


The Food Service Technology Center and Energy Star are two third party companies that have followed rigorous testing methods to ensure that equipment meets certain standards to be certified as energy efficient. The Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) is an unbiased energy-efficiency research program funded by California utility customers. FSTC’s research is recognized nation-wide as the most reliable information on energy efficiency in the industry.


When a manufacturer agrees to have their equipment tested for energy efficiency by a company like FSTC or Energy Star, they sign a contract agreeing that these results be published as public information regardless of whether those results are favorable or disadvantageous for the manufacturer; this ensures that all consumers have the most tools possible to make an educated an informed decision about the products the may be interested in purchasing.

Pizza Equipment Professionals has submitted the Cuppone Ovens to the FSTC facility over the years for electrical efficiency testing, and have not only been approved as energy efficient products, but have received some of the highest efficiency rates in the Deck Oven industry!

Understanding Energy Efficiency Ratings

When an oven is tested at one of these facilities a report is published with the findings; for example the Cuppone MAX tested at 82% efficiency results, so what exactly does this mean?

This means that 82% of the energy output used to produce a pizza in this oven is being applied directly to the heat and energy needed to cook that food product and that only 18% of your energy per unit has escaped in the form of steam or from mechanics such as opening and closing the door on the chamber. The results are the highest test results in the industry, and far succeed other oven brands on the market.

Is that Cheaper Oven costing you more money in the long run with wasted energy costs?

When you invest in a new piece of equipment it can look advantageous to select the lower priced product, but did you know that a cheaper upfront cost can mean spending thousands of dollars more during the life cycle of that piece of equipment.


Figuring out Lifecycle costs can be easily conducted with a small bit of information on the products you’re considering in investing in such as the price, energy output, estimated lifetime, as well as a copy of your local energy bill.

The FSTC has created a Lifecycle Cost Calculator that does the rest of the work for you, allowing you to look at an individual oven OR compare two options to make the best informed decision on what the short term vs. long term costs associated may be.

Spending an additional $1,000 upfront may save you $12,000 over the next several years, and as an added bonus, you may be eligible for a rebate through utility provider for purchasing the more energy efficient product!

This Blog was taken from our June 2016 Email Blast. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletters, industry tips, and blogs please email [email protected] and we will gladly add you to our mailing list!