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Did you know you could earn a commission by becoming an ambassador with us?  As a PEP Ambassador you can receive 5% commission for your referral. It’s easy – simply, register as an ambassador below. If they decide to purchase, we will mail you a check – That’s it!

Program Highlights

What is a PEP Ambassador?

Demonstrator option: An Ambassador is an individual who is a user of PEP equipment and is available to demonstrate the functionality to a potential PEP Client at their place of business.
• When PEP has a potential Client near to an Ambassador’s location and who is interested in seeing a demonstration, they will be notified with the Client’s contact information. The Ambassador will have the option to decline the opportunity or call within 48 hours, to schedule demonstration.
• After a successful Demonstration and Client decides to purchase the unit, the Ambassador will be given 5% commission from the sale of that purchase. Commission will be paid within 30 days after Client receives delivery.

Referral option: A PEP Ambassador is an individual within the industry who refers potential Clients to PEP.
• An Ambassador registers their Referral by notifying PEP by email with their contact information and project details.
• PEP will qualify the Referral. This means PEP will verify that we are not currently working with your Referral or that another Ambassador has not already registered your Referral. Once a Referral has been qualified, PEP will notify you directly.
• After PEP finalizes the sale, the Ambassador will receive 5% Commission paid within 30 days after Client receives their delivery.
• When an Ambassador refers a Client to PEP but does not register the lead, no Commission will be paid. To ensure you receive commission, Register your Referral!


What products qualify?

The Ambassadors commission may be applied to all sales of Mixers, Dough Handling Equipment and Ovens.  Commission does not apply to Hoods, Stands and Tools.

How do I get paid for my referral?

To ensure you receive commission, register your Referral by email to [email protected]. Be sure to include Contact Information and Project details.

What happens if I do not notify PEP that I referred a friend, Colleague or Lead?

Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing you referred them and you will not receive commission. Also, all Referrals need to be qualified before entering the program just in case another Ambassador has registered your referral as their own.