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On the menu: Gluten Free Pizza

“Gluten Free Pizza Now Available”… the 5 little words that are every pizzeria owner, worker and patron’s biggest fear. People LOVE pizza, they crave pizza, they devour pizza, and even customers with Celiac or Gluten sensitivity day dream over that perfectly crisp dough, savory marinara, and cheesy baked perfection that we call Pizza. So as a pizzeria owner, pizzaiolo, or pizza enthusiast, how do you bridge the gap between meeting the high market demand for gluten free products and being able to fall asleep at night knowing that your restaurant hasn’t done one of the two big gluten no-no’s of either cross contaminating a gluten free product or serving up some incredibly undesirable chewy and flavorless frozen gluten-free dough?

In order to offer up our best solutions to serving Gluten Free Pizza, one needs to understand the biggest issues that every restaurant faces with offering a gluten free pizza: cross contamination, reputation, and reliability. We start with cross contamination because as both a patron and an establishment this is the most dangerous concern for both parties involved; cross contamination can potentially land your customer in the hospital and your establishment with a lawsuit. By offering gluten free products to your customers the establishment agrees to follow the FDA’s stringent rules to be compliant with regulations (take a look at them here) which can leave restaurant owners weary of proper staff training, proper equipment handling, and labelling of menus and ingredients.

In addition to making sure you are in compliance with the rules and regulations for providing gluten free products you then have to find a quality dough recipe or product that represents the type of pizza that your pizzeria stands for. Food Suppliers have infiltrated the market with par-baked and frozen gluten free products, many of which come on an aluminum tray that the pizza is then baked on to ensure that the product doesn’t touch the oven deck where it may come into contact with gluten, but regardless of what your food-rep has told you about these products, we’ve all tasted them and know that it falls a bit short of what many would describe as even the worst of “pizzas”. So what is the best solution? Should you make your own dough? Do you purchase fresh dough from a local gluten free vendor? And once you’ve decided on what kind of gluten free product you are going to use, how to you keep it safe from cross contamination?

Lastly, how reliable is that gluten free par-baked or frozen dough that you’ve purchased, and is it a product you’re proud to put your name behind?  Just as an amazing perfectly baked pie can send customers raving to Facebook and Yelp about the amazing pizza they just ate, so can a crustless and flavorless par-baked product send the Celiac Club straight to the internet to spread the news of a bad experience or cross contamination issue; they don’t take their condition lightly, and neither should you. So how do you proudly put those 5 little words “Gluten Free Pizza Now Available” on your menu, and be proud to stand behind your products, worry free?

Pizza Equipment Pro’s solution to providing that superior quality Gluten Free Pizza is the Cuppone Tiziano; robustly made but small in size the Cuppone Tiziano is small enough to fit into even the smallest of kitchens. Whether you have room on top of your main oven, a prep station, or at the bar counter, the Cuppone Tiziano is the ideal solution to making sure that there is no cross contamination for your customers while still providing a superior product that you are proud to represent. With this oven in your kitchen you can find a gluten free dough recipe that works for your pizza style, tailor is until it has the perfect texture and taste for your pizzeria, and then prepare, store and cook a gluten free product free of the worries of cross contamination!

We recommend using proper sanitation techniques for any work surface you will be using to prepare your dough, our favorite resource for ensuring proper sanitation can be found here: 10 tips for preventing cross contamination. To ensure that your employees can differentiate between your regular and gluten free dough, we recommend color coded dough trays for this sensitive product, and a clean and “gluten free zone” designated to a cutting board, pizza cutter and peel that are only used for your gluten free products. Pizza Equipment Pro’s carries all of these products in stock at our warehouse, proudly representing GI Metal Tools and WRH Trays.

The Cuppone Tiziano is built with the same energy-efficient robust construction as our full size line of ovens. The Tiziano is perfect for those needing a smaller countertop  or vertically stacked ovens. This oven comes in 5 different sizes and 3 different deck options so you can fit a small oven in you personal home kitchen, or find the perfect size oven to retrofit your pizzeria or kitchen to offer gluten free products!

The Tiziano Oven is designed for efficiency and functionality capable of reaching temperatures up to 840° F.  Our Independent top and bottom temperature controls allow for consistently produced pizzas even in the busiest shops. The optional Type ll Hood is designed as a moisture and heat evacuating hood. The optional Stand is perfectly integrated with the innovative design of the oven.

For more information about how to cater to the gluten free needs of your customers, or to receive a quote for any of our products or equipment please contact us at [email protected].EVOLUTIONESTERNO.cdr